Monday, May 30, 2005


I got a job! I'll be a help desk dude doing technical support for hotel patrons. I'll be working for a company called Guest-Tek. They provide 24/7 technical support for hotels and their patrons who have access to high-speed internet in their rooms. (yes, that means rotating shifts, 24/7)
I'll do 3 weeks of training at $12/hr. After those 3 weeks I have to write a big test and then I'll move up to $13.25/hr, which is a decent wage for an entry level tech support position.
It is "technically", from a HR point-of-view, only a part time position, but if I am able to work 35-40 hours a week I will be able to, because they have lots of hours. It is a rapidly expanding and growing company. The guy that interviewed me had only been there 2 years and was doing what I will be when he started. So lots of room for advancement which is what I want. I don't want to be doing phone support for very long (the lady said 6mo-1yr and i'll be out of it)
I'm hoping to get a few more interviews this week, hopefully from Shaw and Telus, but we'll see. I won't be able to do any interviews for the following 3 weeks as I'll be in training and I can't really skip out in the middle of the day during that.
I applied on Thursday morning, received a call that afternoon arranging an appointment for this morning, and received a call offering me a job 2 hours (almost exactly) after the completion of my 10 min interview and 10 min test. :D I' m so excited. This went much better than I had hoped.
Trust in the Lord and He shall provide.
My parents also gave me $200 for a grad present (and my second cousin, who lives in Calgary, and is kinda friends with my parents) gave me $100 for graduating. My parents, as congratulations for finishing school have also told me they will give me $200/mo for payment toward my student loans. This is a real suprise as they've always told me that allowing me to live at home was their contribution to my education, which was really appreciated. So this kinda blew me away, and is going to make paying off these loans (almost 20 grand worth of) much easier.
Today has truly been a wonderful day! Prayer is an amazing thing. You just have to let go of the reins and let God take over. He'll steer you in the right direction. Even if it isn't always what you want. I'm really going to miss going on Crossover, but...

1 comment:

h said...
