Monday, May 18, 2009

Daddy Blog 18/05/09


Naming a child can become a quite the point of contention between soon-to-be parents. Mama Bean and I discussed it a bit prior to having kids, and thought we had one if it was a girl (Sophia Claire), but were at odds over a boys name (I LOVE Arthur, Mama Bean really does not). When we first found out that she is pregnant with bean we spent time throwing names back and forth. There are a lot of really great names out there, though I find I like far more girl names than boys. Lately I've been really liking the name Ezra if it is a boy. It is pretty Jewish, but I kinda like it. It isn't super common, and easy to spell. We also like Tobias (Toby). We are also not even halfway through the pregnancy and my mind will change a million more times. :)

My biggest problem when it comes to naming kids is people that want their little bundle of joy to be "unique" and they figure the easiest way to do this is by giving them some wacked out name, or a name with a "unique" spelling. Seriously, there doesn't need to be 7 BILLION different spellings for every name out there. Those poor kids. You think you are being unique, but that kid is going to be stuck with a constantly misspelled name, or having to continually correct people. That's not cool. I had to do that enough and my name is Christopher! Do your child a favor and don't fuck them up for life by trying to make them "unique." They'll be unique enough, they don't need the additional pain in the ass of a uniquely spelled name.

In 2 weeks (May 27) Mama Bean will be going for her 20 week ultrasound, at which point we have the option of finding out if bean is a boy or a girl. Mama Bean really wants to find out as it will make things much easier for her. Mama Bean is all about planning, and it would make things MUCH easier. On the other hand, I'm sitting on the fence. Part of me really wants to know, as it makes things that much more real, but part of me wants the surprise. Since it is important to Jo, I think we will head down the route where we find out.

Then there is the decision, do we tell others, or keep it a secret? And if we decide on a name, do we tell people, or keep it a secret also? I like the idea of not telling people the sex of bean, or the name we choose. Though slipping up on the gender would be so easy. So maybe we tell people the sex, but not the name. :) ("if we decide on a name by the time the birth happens," jo says) She's so cute.


C Lo said...

A couple of thoughts from the old lady.........

I've done it both ways. I didn't find out with Katie and I will tell you...the moment she came out and I found out who she was has to be one of the best, most indescribable moments of my life. It was........amazing.

With the boys, I did find out. With Eamon, I said "I'm getting 1 ultrasound and if the baby cooperates, great and if not too bad". He cooperated and so we found out. And that was cool, and you do get to shop sooner.........but honestly, it's not that big of a deal. Babies honestly aren't all dressed up in the first few weeks and it's truly not any huge deal. You will not be woefully behind if you chose not to find out. It doesn't honestly help you prepare that much better, it just means you have a butt ton more clothes. But, you'd get those eventually anyways.

But, it is kind of fun and, for me, it did help me at least identify with the baby in there a bit more.

As for the names........don't tell. I say tell people the sex because it's too hard to keep secret but don't tell names. With BOTH the boys, we had people flat out tell us the names we picked were horrible. I had someone complain to me DAILY that I was going to scar Eamon by naming him Eamon. Within a week I wanted to punch her.

Everyone will be fine when the baby comes and you say "This is So and So" don't give them the opportunity to critique it ahead of time.

SkippyMom said...

With our youngest had she been a boy we were going to name her Noah. Believe me when I say I took months of abuse from my mother over that. She hated the name and made a point of deriding it every chance she could. No worries, because youngest ended up a girl, but the name we had picked out for her "Audrey Grace" simply did not fit when she was born :D - she was such a lil' thing and the named seemed too big, so we scrambled for a new name and now she has the [we think] perfect name :)

PS My Mom is an opinionated bore, so you probably won't run into something like that - I have to say tho' I really got tired of it. And I still love the name Noah :)

christopher said...

Thanks Ladies for your insightful comments. :)
I'm warming up to the idea of knowing. Though it will (hopefully) be our only ultrasound, so if bean isn't sitting right we'll just have to wait 5 more months.
Man, 5 months, we're almost 1/2 way there...

GeekByMarriage said...

You can be unique and not be a nutter. I used more old fashioned names that weren't being used a lot when I had them. Sadly, a few years after I had my boys there was a boom of other kids were named the same as Kyle. Even the girls were being named Kylie.

Rebecca- after my mother. 1997

I found out with all my children what I was having. I'm very impatient. LOL I always wanted to wait but would cave at the ultrasound.

christopher said...

@GeekByMarriage: Those are quality names. I like names with substance, not airy-fairy names, though I've been really digging Rainn (Raine) lately, and I don't think it has much substance.

I'm also excited about finding out if it is a bean or beanette. It's exciting!

The Captain's Wife said...

My vote is DON'T find out!!! We did not and what an awesome experience it was...

If you do find out, it'll be nearly impossible to keep it a secret cause you call it him or her to easily..

You can easily keep the name(s) secret. We did not share our name choices with anyone-I mean anyone (even my blog friends, who knew I was pregnant early on) until she was here. Of course once she was here everyone wanted to know what she would have been called if she was a boy...we still won't share!

Can't wait to hear your decision on Tuesday!