Friday, May 22, 2009


It is ICLW (I come; [but] leave [as a] we, International Comment Leaving Week) and I thought it would be a great way to come across more blogs out there in the wide world of the internetz. (see graphic to the right)

So here's a run down on ICLW. Mel has a list on her blog where people sign up, and for one week the people on the list go around visiting other people on the list and leave comments on their blogs. Commenting week runs from the 21st to the 28th and everyday you are supposed to comment on 5 blogs and return 1 comment for a total of 6 comments per day. It is open to anyone, and has been running since sometime in 2008.

The lady (Mel) that started this whole thing is a big IF (infertility) blogger (and even has a book), so naturally that is the community that she has surrounded herself in, and that flock to her. Now I know nothing about IF, adoption, pregnancy loss, and all of the things that surround that. I started finding more and more of these types of blogs when looking for other parenting-type blogs and pregnancy blogs in preparation for the birth of bean.

So ICLW has grown through this community and of 130 blogs, 95% are about infertility, adoption, loss, adoption, and related topics. It's really cool to see this type of community and the benefits it brings; another benefit of this great thing known as the internet.

I have a small problem though, I feel out of place. I feel like an interloper. I feel like I'm visiting all of these blogs that are about topics that I know absolutely nothing about (though after a couple days of reading, I feel like I could hold my own in a conversation about infertility and the treatments surrounding it), and I feel like I'm intruding on these people's lives. It is a weird feeling, and something I've never come across in all my years of trolling blogs. I leave comments, but they feel weak and pithy. Why would this community care about the words of some random dude who has no idea what they are going through? Some guy that while he is going to be a dad, it was a surprise and hasn't spent thousands of dollars on it.

Now I don't know where these insecurities are coming from as these blogs are written by absolutely wonderful people; wonderful, kind, patient, loving people. I just feel like an outsider. But I guess that is okay, I can't always fit in right? I'm learning a ton about people with perseverance and patience and love and heart. I've come across a number of blogs that I'm really enjoying reading, and will definitely be adding to my list.


SkippyMom said...

It is an interesting concept, I will give Mel that. But, alas, I too would feel out of place. Not that I don't admire strength and perserverence these bloggers have, but I am in your league. The oops we got pregnant, but what a happy surprise crew. I simply wouldn't know what to say. said...

I think the crazy thing about the IF world is that everyone feels out of place - the girls (and guys) who are just starting the journey feel our of place when thinking of those who have a few failed IVF cycles and vice versa.

I think the wonderful thing about mel and ICLW is it allows you to meet so many awesome bloggers, you won't like them all but you'll always find a few to connect with.

C Lo said...

I think thats why ICLW is so seems to have started in this little community but it's pretty neat to get to learn so much about other people and as corny as it sounds, I think that it's very nice of most of them to open up to the rest of us. I think maybe it might make us all nicer people in the end.

The Captain's Wife said...

Welcome to ICLW...

Congrats to you and your wife. I hope that you have a very boring pregnancy :)

I also am not a member of the "IF" community, and how greatful I am for that. These woman have faced struggles that no one should need to.

I think it is GREAT that you joined up, because as you have noted, 5% of the participants are not IFers. You can find some great blogs through this list and then from there fiond even more blogs!!!!


christopher said...

@SkippyMom: It's true, but I'm learning. :)
@Exploring Chaos: It's true, there are a lot of great people to meet.
@C Lo: I agree that openness really does lead to nicer people. I like that aspect.
@The Captain's Wife: Thanks, I also hope for a boring pregnancy. :D And I'm connecting with ICLW bloggers and people through bloggers on ICLW. It's great.

Alana said...

I have one child. I've experienced one miscarriage. I consider myself as experiencing "secondary infertility," as it has taken us 3+ years to try to have another child. Many medical definitions define secondary infertility as having had TWO or more miscarriages...yet, I've never had anyone tell me I don't belong here. But I too sometimes wonder if I belong here.

Anyway, the cool thing about Mel's ICLW is that if you want to be a part of it, you're welcome...IF or not. :)


Kristin said...

Christopher...while you may feel out of place, it is invaluable for the infertility community to gain support from people who haven't gone through it. It says quite a lot about you that you've been willing to read and try to understand. Thank you for your support.


theworms said...

I know our blogs (IF ones) are full of crazy initials and are sometimes sad and depressing but thanks for reading. It helps spread the word about IF and what people will endure to be parents.

Congrats on your little one.


Jaymee said...

it is so nice to get some testosterone in the mix. congrats on becoming a daddy!! you are not invading our lives, you are enriching them.