Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lessons from Our Garden

Alright, things I learned today.

A 1500 sq.ft garden (which we thought was 1800, but it's actually 25x60, not 30x60) is much more manageable when it is split into 10 mini gardens. We now have 10 150sq.ft gardens and it seems much more manageable.

It is much easier to till a 1500 sq.ft garden with a roto-tiller, than by hand. I knew this going in, yet I did it by hand anyway. It would have taken 20 min and cost $25 to have the dude roto-till it, but instead I did it with a rake and a hoe. A hoe that I proceeded to break in the process.

When working outside for an extended period of time, one should wear sunscreen, preferably SPF30 or maybe even 45. Just because it is windy, and doesn't feel very warm, doesn't mean you aren't getting burned, just ask my epidermis. You can call me Lobster Boy for the next couple of days.

There are a lot of politics when it comes to community gardens. This morning I saw a dude yelling that he'd been screwed over as I received a lot that is totally covered in weeds. It had something to do with people he pissed off last year, and he wasn't happy about it.

Tomorrow I will post some pictures of our garden. Mama Bean has a list of everything we are growing and a map that she has drawn up of it. She said she will post it tomorrow, so I'll be linking to it when she does.


Beautiful Mess said...

I can barley keep a WATER plant alive, i can't even imagine a WHOLE garden! Although, I'd love to try! I'm going to check back for pictures and your progress, I'm so interested! Thank you for your comment on my blog, it really is SO much fun to find new blogs, via ICLW.

WiseGuy said...

Nice to have come around to your blog....I haven't seen you in the last ICLW...were you there? Is this your first time here?

If it is the first...HOLLA! Welcome to ICLW....I could not outright make out a connection of your blog to the ALI blogosphere, but a bit of back-browsing led me to discover that you are about to be a father (for the first time?)...and your wife just crossed the 18 weeks mark! Congratulations!!!

Wishing you a very happy parenthood! Good Luck!

The home I live in currently does not give the opportunity of growing greens...but I have a single plant that is loved and taken care of well by is an Adenium.


C Lo said...

I was going to ask for pics!