Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sisterhood Award

Now Mama Bean is just going to add this to the list, but I thought it was totally sweet.

Last week, one of my blogosphere friends was nominated for a blog award called the "Sisterhood Award." You basically nominate 10 people on your blog who's blogs you follow and are written "with great attitude and/or gratitude." It's pretty cool, she writes a great little blog and I've been following here for quite a few years (since she had one kid, and she now has 3) and we've developed this sort of blogosphere friendship which is kinda neat. Blog friendships aren't like real friendships, they take much longer to establish as you are only really reading what they have to say on their blog, commenting and vice versa.

So when she made her list of blogs that she reads and nominates for this "Sisterhood Award" she cheats and adds me. I was a little embarrassed at first, a little surprised, but mostly it was just this warm, fuzzy feeling that made me happy. I write my blog, I update regularity, but I don't tend to put a lot of thought into it. I write from the heart about things in my life, thoughts that go through my head, and whatever else. It is a really cool feeling to think what I write might affect the way someone thinks about something or makes any impact whatsoever in their lives.

So while Mama Bean might consider this another thing to add to the 'list', I think it is an honor.

I'm going to refrain from sending it out to others, as it just seems kind of weird for a guy to be passing on the Sisterhood Award, but there are many others out there that are spreading the love to great bloggers.


C Lo said...


yeah, normally I think those things are a little cheesey but............well, I felt like doing it anyways.

Best When Used By said...

I guess it makes the award extra special when given to a guy! I read your previous post about names. My DH has a name (both first and last) that makes everyone ask him at least 3 times what it is, and then he ususally ends up spelling it (although his first name is only 4 letters - it's really not that hard). We decided that if (when!) we have a baby, we want the name to very traditional with an ordinary spelling.

Anyway, happy ICLW week!